Meet Baby Walker

Walker was ADORABLE – so sweet, cute and little!!! He had the most perfect head of hair and gorgeous little eyes – and he melted my heart the minute I saw him! His parents are awesome too and Walker has twin big brothers who are very excited to have him in the family. Enjoy these sneak peeks of this GORGEOUS baby boy!!






  1. Jennifer says:

    oh these are so lovely and so sweet, beautiful lighting and color!

  2. Little Moon Photography says:

    Shey these are all STUNNING! your newborn work is awesome!!

  3. Andrea* says:

    Mr. Walker is just adorable! I can almost smell his newborn-ness. LOVELY captures here, great colors too! ++

  4. shalonda says:

    wow fabulous job hun! this entire session is to die for gorgeous and it didnt hurt that the Mr W was such a beautiful baby!

  5. Melissa says:

    These shots are beautiful and he is adorable! That first one is my favorite and the eye contact is just amazing for his age! Great great work!

  6. Cindy says:

    These are just so sweet, lovely work and gorgeous baby.

  7. Brianne says:

    AW Shey…these are so sweet!

  8. Sylvia Laughrin says:

    such sweet tender captures. lovely work.

  9. Laura Brett says:

    What a beautiful baby, great captures and color! ++

  10. Beth says:

    These are perfection!!! I seriously could not choose a favorite. What a lucky mama.

  11. Krysia says:

    Wow! What a huge variety of gorgeous images! I love that last one. Just precious! ++

  12. Beth says:

    I would so have a huge canvas of #2! What a gorgeous set of pics.

  13. Mandy says:

    These cannot get any cuter. I just love your soft, sweet colors in all of them. My fav…totally the last one. Those lips are just adorable.

  14. Anonymous says:

    These are so stunning…the colors, the softness…everything. I love that his eyes are so open in one shot, but that you also have several of him sleeping! What a treat. My fav is the last one…those lips are irresistible.

  15. Lisa Kryschuk says:

    These are so precious! Wonderful job Shey!!!! Enjoying your blog girl!++

  16. Karen Harrison says:

    Oh these are so gorgeous! I especially love #2 and #4… if he were mine, I’d be getting a monster sized wall portrait of one of these!

  17. Moments By Shonda Photography says:

    These are beautiful – absolutely amazing!++

  18. admin says:

    thanks everyone!!

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