Hello Oz!

We’ve arrived without a hitch, got over the jet lag in 1 day, and are totally pumped for our day at the beach today.  It is gorgeous here – the weather is amazing and our hotel is awesome (Martinique on Macrossan). 

Of course I realized once I got here that I forgot my memory card reader at home so I have to figure out how to upload my photos still….

I finished the third book in the Twilight series and bartered it for the fourth so everything is good on that front! 🙂

Miss everyone already, but we’re so looking forward to exploring this area and a part of me already feels at home here.  To my aussie girls – remember the boutique Witchery?  It’s still here and I want to buy everything. 🙂 

Love you all!

  1. Julie Criswell says:

    Hello, Girlie! I’m so glad that you and Dave arrived safely and are off on your Aussie adventure. I wish you a wonderful trip and am hoping to visit you in DC some time in October.
    Miss ya in Indiana!
    Love, Jules

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