life is precious

And unexpected. And short. And happy and sad. In the time span of basically one week we experienced the highest of highs as our first family baby – our niece – was born, the lowest of lows as we watched her get sick and then absolute heart break as she passed away. We drove over 2500 miles, cried, thought, begged for a miracle, smiled, laughed, hugged, and cried some more. Elise only lived a short while but her life has forever changed ours, and I believe the world is a better place for that she was in it.

We love you Elise, and we love your mama and daddy very much too.

Elise Nora Detterline Memorial Fund

Benefiting: Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Neonatal Research

Make checks payable to: Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Please include a note that states you want your gift to benefit neonatal research in memory of Elise Nora Detterline

Mail to: Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
1 Charles Center
100 N. Charles St, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21201

Donate online at:
2. Click on the Support Us link on the left side of the page
3. Click on the “ Help Hopkins Children’s” link in the middle of
the page
4. Complete Donor information
5. In the About my Gift section: Designate your gift to “Neonatal
Intensive Care” and specify in the other designation section
type “Neonatal Research”
6. In the Giving in Honor or Memory of section, designate your
gift in memory of Elise Nora Detterline

  1. Aria says:

    I’m so sorry, Shey. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Rest in peace, sweet baby Elise.

  2. Becky says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Shey. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  3. December says:

    oh wow. I’m so sorry.

  4. Maya says:

    Oh Shey I am so sorry to hear about Elise. I had a friend lose her baby early this year and it was absolutely heart breaking. Elise looks like she gave out a ton of love in her short little life…you all will be changed forever because of her love.

  5. info says:


    My prayer is for you and the baby.

    God Bless,

  6. GummyMommy says:

    This is very hard to read.. being a mother, I can’t imagine the pain to lose a child.. a newborn.
    I’m very sorry..

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