Sweet Baby Parker

Today I met beautiful baby Parker and his awesome family! He was so tiny, sweet and adorable – such a perfect little model! His gorgeous mama is featured in my sneak peeks too – I just love that shot of them together! And seriously – check out how cute his tiny little lips are…SO CUTE!

Prepare yourself for some serious baby cuteness….:






  1. Jess says:

    Eeeeee!!! They are so good! Thank you again so much! Can NOT wait to see all of them!!!!

  2. Nathan & Ashlee says:

    Wow, these pics are GREAT!!! I’ll be getting your number from Jess very soon!

  3. Nathan & Ashlee says:

    Wow, these pics are GREAT!!! I’ll be getting your number from Jess very soon!

  4. Nathan & Ashlee says:

    Wow, these pics are GREAT!!! I’ll be getting your number from Jess very soon!

  5. Nathan & Ashlee says:

    Wow, these pics are GREAT!!! I’ll be getting your number from Jess very soon!

  6. GummyMommy says:

    OMG.. Shey.. that pic before the last one.. the look and half smile on that baby’s face..it’s precious!! so cute!!

  7. thegooddays says:

    Awww! Love these so much. The last one is a precious moment!

  8. Ellen says:

    Absolutely gorgeous!!

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