Brand new blog!!!!


I am SO excited to bring you guys to my awesome new blog…this is just one of MANY really cool new things coming up soon for my photography business, and I’m so glad you guys are here to share it with me!!

All of my old blog posts are still here, archived away in case you ever want to check out the randomness that was Nov. 2007 for instance…but going forward all new blog posts will be here at MY NEW BLOG!!!!

A part of me will miss my old blogger blog days…it’s where I first learned how to google html scripts and insert them at will within code, repeatedly clear my cache file, and it’s where I first shared my pictures with everyone.Β  πŸ™‚Β  But yeah….I think this new blog is definitely worth the switch!!

So please make sure to update your google reader, bookmarks, etc. to my new home!!!

and just check out how BIG the pictures are!!!!Β  LOVE THAT! Cooper loves it too:


  1. Cat says:

    The best part about your new blog is that I can check it at work (the Blogger domain is blocked). Now I can stalk all of your new work… mwa ha ha ha!

  2. Kim says:

    LOVE it Shey! And oh my Cooper’s eyes!

  3. Laura says:

    I love the new blog. Looks amazing. Great job! πŸ™‚

  4. Salina J says:

    What a cutie! Your new blog looks awesome!

  5. Laura Brett says:

    What a doll, the blue shirt just really pops with his eyes! Beautiful! ++

  6. That expression is priceless. love the new blog too++

  7. Amy says:

    I love your blog – very clean and fresh. What an adorable little boy – great lighting!

  8. Jessica says:

    Love your new blog!! Yaheee!! πŸ™‚

  9. jennifer says:

    wow congrats on your new awesome blog and what a little cutie you have here!

  10. Melissa says:

    Love the new blog! The colors are great – and the photo is adorable. πŸ˜‰

  11. Scarlett says:

    Congrats! Looks fantastic!!

  12. Megan Parker says:

    love the blog!!!!

  13. Sam says:

    The site looks fantastic!
    We are so proud of you and love being a small part of something so special!

  14. misty says:

    what a cutie pie!!!!

  15. Awww! What a cutie pie!!

  16. Krysia says:

    Congrats on the new blog!

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