5 on Friday!

Hey guys – I’ve been in Vail skiing for the past week so sorry for the lack of posts this week!  Here are my 5 topics for today!

1. Dave and I almost missed our flight on the way out to Colorado!!  We were seriously in line in security when they started paging us overhead.  We ran to our gate (at 6:30 in the morning – not fun) and they were giving our seats away.  We did make it on but ugh – anxiety we didnt need!  

2.  VAIL IS BEAUTIFUL!  We’ve had the most gorgeous weather out here – sunny every day with gorgeous blue skies and warm temps.  I have pics I’ll try to sort through soon and post a few.

3. The one huge downside to this week was my dad broke his leg while skiing!!  He’s getting out of the hospital today and is recovering well but it was pretty scary to have something like that happen.  We are very thankful it’s his leg and not his neck/head and are glad he was wearing his helmet.  Such a freak thing!

4. The NCAA tournament is in full swing and Wake plays tonight!  Of course I’ll be on an airplane at the time so I wont be getting to watch (bummer) but I hope they come through!

5. St. Patty’s day was a blast this year…we skied all day and then in the evening the 6 of our friends and us went out to dinner at this cool pizza place in Vail and then went to a fun pub called George’s.  Even people on the slopes that day were wearing hilarious outfits, green hula skirts, etc.  So fun!!

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