5 on Friday!

Hello hello!!  So glad it’s Friday…!

1.  Cross your fingers, arms, legs and toes that the weather stays nice this weekend!!!  I have some really cool sessions planned for this weekend and in typical spring fashion I have no idea if it’s going to be gorgeous or snowing. 

2.  I cant believe Jay Cutler is now part of the Bears!  Dave is a HUGE Bears fan – I mean huge.  This news was very exciting at our house last night!!

3.  We booked a last minute trip next weekend for Easter to fly to DC!!  Not sure what all our plans will be but hopefully we’ll be able to get a bit of relaxation in!

4.  Spring is totally here (I’m ignoring the chance of snow this weekend) and I couldnt be more excited.  All the trees around here are blossoming and the sunlight just screams springtime.  I love this time of year! 

5. This past Monday I met up with fabulous friends/photographers Nicole Welch of www.nicolewelchphotography.com and Ashley Turner of http://aturnerphotography.com/ who were in town for a conference.  They are both phenomenal wedding photographers and were great to talk to about photography goals/plans/etc.  I always love chatting with other photographers and talking about the industry and the art.  It was great meeting up with you guys!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!!!

  1. Nikki Welch says:

    It was so great to meet you, too, Shey! I wish we could have stayed in Indy longer… 🙂

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