Of the beauty that is a first breath.

Frederick Birth Photographer

It was my honor and great privilege today to photograph the birth of Matthew Ryan.  I cant put into words the emotion that was in the room during those first moments of new life – there was not a dry eye in the room (including mine!) and I am still shaking.  Life really is so beautiful. I have so many more images to go through still but this one of his first breath and his mama’s first glance keeps catching me in my place.

Welcome to the world sweet baby.

  1. Jami Bush says:

    Beautiful Shey! Congrats Jim and Michelle!! I’m so happy for you two!!

  2. jen says:

    Congratulations to everyone. Shey you are amazing.

  3. Kim Schmidt says:

    Gorgeous! Congrats to the new family!

  4. Cathie says:

    Precious! Congrats Jim and Michelle! Can’t wait to meet Matthew!

  5. jennifer says:

    this just speaks so much absolutely beautiful, and what a story it tells!

  6. RhondaD says:

    Beautiful. Makes me teary looking at it. I love birth photos and they’ll love this forever.

  7. Amy says:

    Wow, the emotion is so powerful – and you captured it! Beautiful.

  8. Laura says:

    Shey, this is unbelievably perfect. What a gift you’ve given them…you seriously ROCK girl!

  9. Brandi says:

    Wow, what a stunning photo, full of so much emotion… perfect. ++

  10. Beth Wild says:

    What an amazing experience!!!!!!!! I hope to see more!

  11. So beautiful!! What a special capture!!

  12. Jen says:

    What an awesome shot!

  13. Andrea says:

    this photo has moved me…. Mama’s single tear has me welling up. Bravo, I can NOT wait to see more!

  14. That shot will be treasured for a lifetime… the emotion and power of that image, what a blessing

  15. Sarah Albert says:

    Oooh these give me goosebumps! So beautiful!

  16. TracyT says:

    Beautiful moment captured!!

  17. Just perfect, gorgeous photo!

  18. Meghan Poort says:

    Oh Shey… what an amazing moment to catch. Stunning. Really… priceless.

  19. Hi Shey – I found you through Brandi Arndt and am so glad I stumbled across your blog. Lovely images…..this one is SO powerful, I only wish I had something even close to it from my girls’ births.

    I look forward to seeing more:)

  20. Grandpa Larry says:

    Thanks Shey You gave us a lifetime memory of
    that great day!

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