We’re Moving!!!!!! East Coast Bound!!!

Announcement #2!!!

I’m so excited to share this much anticipated news with you – Dave and I are moving to Frederick, Maryland in 3 weeks!!!!!!!  Ahhhhhh!!!  Dave is graduating from his residency program in early July and so in a few weeks we’ll be packing up our few belongings and driving to the East Coast to set up our new little life. 

We’ve officially opened our two new businesses in Maryland – Detterline Orthodontics and Shey Marin Photography, and we couldnt be more excited about our new adventures!  It is bittersweet though to leave Indiana – we have made so many amazing friends(and have family still up in ‘the region’), a job that I love, photography clients I adore, and a city that we’ve made our home over the last 6 years.   But I know just like every other change we’ve experienced, this will just be another amazing chapter in our book. 

Here’s to new beginnings!!!  Stay tuned tomorrow for an equally exciting BIG announcement!!!!!! 🙂  yay!!!

  1. Liza says:

    Congratulations on the move Shey.. and the opening of your 2 business.. gosh you guys must have been pretty busy!!! I’m very excited for you!

  2. Brianna says:

    Congrats and good luck and best wishes 🙂

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