5 on Friday!

1. I have officially started the countdown at work!! Less than 2 weeks now before we leave to go to Maryland. I cant believe how quickly this is all coming together…and how massive the amount of packing is that we still need to do. Scary.

2. Have I discussed my crackberry blackberry yet on here? It’s like my best friend. I love her. Yes, it’s a her – and she’s pink of course. I’m very sad to leave her behind when I go to Australia. I wonder if she’ll remember me when I get back. Hopefully vacation will rid me of calling my phone a her.

3. I’m trying to figure out what to wear to dave’s residency graduation dinner…I think I’m leaning towards my cute DVF wrap dress – but I wear that thing everywhere and it would be nice for my dear husband to see me in something else for a change.

4. We saw a black snake this week on our walk around the lake behind our apartment – just chillin’ on the path. It was hilarious because we just walked around it but there was a guy standing there completely frozen and freaked out – and asked us if it was a snake. He said in an anxious voice that he is from India and they dont like snakes and spun around on his heels and walked the other way. Snakes actually dont bother me too much but I guess if I was raised around pythons and crazy venomous snakes then I’d walk away too.

5. Where are my twilight readers at!? Sooooo excited about the trailer for the new movie to come out! I.CANT.WAIT!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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