Good-bye, ciao, adien, ta ta, sayonara, aloha, hasta la vista, arrivederci, farewell, adios, ciao!

Love you Indiana – I’m leaving you today!  You’ll be missed!

 OK so no 5 on Friday today…I’m going to put that on hold for a while until I get back in the country.  As far as my blog updates from here until I get back from Australia, I’ll try to post as often as I can – hopefully with some fun pics along the way from our trip.  I’m not bringing my laptop, so the photos will all be straight out of the camera.  When I get back I’ll go through and run a few through photoshop and show you all the before and afters  so you can see what I do in my ‘digital darkroom’.  🙂 

I leave for Australia on July 12th so I do have a little bit more time – and Dave graduates from his residency program on July 10th so these next few days are going to be a whirlwind…should be fun!!!

Have a GREAT weekend and awesome 4th of July!!!!!

  1. abigail says:

    i am jealous – wish i was leaving to Australia anytime!

  2. Andrea says:

    That’s OK! Now I get to have you! 😉

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