I love being a Frederick Maryland photographer!

So life here so far has been pretty great!!  I’ve been here less than a week but the weather has been GORGEOUS, the people so nice and sweet, and my friends and family have been so warm and welcoming.  I cant believe we’re leaving for Australia on Sunday….like totally not packed/living in denial type of not believing.  We need to fix that ASAP…or else I’ll be wearing the same clothes for 6 weeks.

Took these photos today on my drive back from the bank – fresh cut hay fields and a beautiful blue sky looked so inviting.  If you were one of the 4 cars that drove by me taking these pics on the side of the road – hello there.  I know I looked uncomfortable and awkward side stepping the hay and yes that was my flip flop in the road…it was sort of a disaster.

Frederick Maryland Artist

Frederick Maryland Photographer

Frederick Maryland Photographer

Frederick Maryland Photography

Frederick Maryland Photographer

  1. Alyssa says:

    These are AMAZING! The color is so beautiful. Love the back story too!

  2. Kristina says:

    wow, these are gorgeous. I love pictures like this!

  3. Dad says:

    beautiful pics, but these are wheat fields. Not hay. 🙂

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