My mentee rocks!! * Frederick Photographer

I am so excited to introduce my new photographer friend who I met up with today to wander around Frederick with and scout out some cool locations for future urban sessions. Sarah is bright, creative, funny, spunky and a great photographer herself (and she’s a freshman in high school!!!) I am already so proud of her – I explained in the first 10 minutes some ramblings about aperture and shutter speed and how to shoot in manual (trust me – it wasnt the best description on my part) and within minutes she was shooting in full manual. Amazing!!!

She also turned out to be my muse…as I have been mostly taking photos of landscapes in Australia – I couldnt help myself but to ask her to model for me in some of the locations. She’s a natural of course – and obviously suited to be both behind and in front of the camera!

I cant wait to try out some of these awesome locations we found on my next urban session!! Thanks Sarah for your help today!!

Frederick Senior Photographer

Frederick MD Senior Photographer

Frederick Maryland Senior Photographer

Frederick Maryland Senior Photographer

Frederick Maryland Graduation Photos

  1. Tracey Southerland says:

    Love these, Shey!! So fun & relaxed. Love the locations, as well – cannot wait to see them in the future.

  2. How fun! She is beautiful as are your images!

  3. How fun! Beautiful girl and images!

  4. Jayme says:

    Shey, these are gorgeous! I’m so glad you are back, I don’t think I’ve told you that enough yet. lol! 🙂

  5. She is gorgeous, wonderful work!

  6. Kristina says:

    Hey!!!!!!! Your pictures from Australia are awesome!!!! I got a new Nikon camera and I’m going to take some free classes that came with it so hopefully I learn how to do this editing as well! You’ve inspired me!!!!!

  7. Rian Carver says:

    Wow, the pictures are fantastic and she is so beautiful..oh that’s right..she is my daughter, I am a little biased! She was soooo excited showing me the pictures from your scouting session!

  8. Kim Schmidt says:

    what a beautiful young lady! she is quite lucky to have you as a mentor.

  9. Megan Parker says:

    She is gorgeous! I’m sure with your guidance she will be a great photographer!!

  10. Sariah Finn says:

    wow! She is gorgeous and so are the photos. What a lucky girl to have such a great mentor.

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