A photogenic photographer * NoVa Family Photographer

On Friday I met up in Old Town Alexandria with fellow local Maryland photographer Andrea Burns of www.andreaburnsphotography.com to do a little photoshoot swap. Andrea is an INCREDIBLE photographer who awes me with her mix of studio and on location work, and it was so fun to work next to eachother for a bit and compare shooting styles and other photo talk. Often as photographers we tend to stay behind the camera, so it’s so nice to take a break and get in front once in a while! Especially of course when you have a stunning family like Andrea has, and when she’s so naturally beautiful herself! I couldnt get enough of her adorable kids and I AM IN TOTAL LOVE with their outfit choices. You can tell just from spending a short time with them that they are such a happy family full of love. Without further ado – check out these sneak peeks!

Maryland Family Photographer

Northern Virginia Family Photographer

Alexandria Family Photographer

Alexandria Child Photographer

Northern Virginia Family Photography

Northern Virginia Baby Photographer

Northern Virignia Family Photography

  1. Andrea says:

    Oh Shey! What a treasure you have given me! I’m forever in your debt, they are just gorgeous!

  2. Kristina says:

    I love them! Great job!

  3. How fun! Beautiful family and photos!!

  4. kelly g says:

    Beautiful!!! I love them all! Fantastic work!

  5. Scarlett says:

    Love them! beautiful job Shey!! Andrea, such a beautiful family you have:)

  6. Holly says:

    Beautiful! I LOVE the last image.

  7. Beautiful family, these are all fantastic. I just love the one of the baby girl, she looks so happy, great capture!

  8. These are beautiful. Gorgeous family and great shots 🙂

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