Beautiful girls in a secret garden * Maryland Children’s Photographer

This weekend I met up with a beautiful family in a gorgeous shade garden in Bethesda and the whole day was just magical. The weather was perfection, the girls so adorable and fun (I even got a hug at the end!!) and we had a blast skipping around and playing in the gardens. I just love their little curls and adorable dresses – enjoy the sneak peek below!

Maryland Child Photographer

bethesda maryland children's photographer

Maryland Children's Photographer

Maryland Children's Photographer

maryland family photographer

  1. zela says:

    ohmygosh these are perfection! i love them all. my fav is the girls holding hands. precious!

  2. shannon says:

    aw, these are so wonderful!! beautiful girls!

  3. These are so beautiful. I love the one of them holding hands. Wonderful work!

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