30 weeks! * Maryland Maternity Photographer

Woah there…how did I make it to 30 weeks already!? Actually I’m technically at 31 tomorrow…the countdown has basically hit single digit weeks. I am (like probably every expectant mom thinks) totally and completely not prepared. But I’m sure over these next few weeks I’ll figure out the ins and outs of cloth diapering, what laundry detergent I should get and wash all the little clothes (and crib sheets that our cat keeps enjoying as her nap spot – not cool minnie, not cool), and finally read all of these baby books I keep renting from the library and using as paper weights.

I’m feeling him kick all the time now, and I love feeling his little arms and legs move around. I cant wait to meet him!!!

Maryland Maternity Photographer

  1. Christina says:

    you look fantastic!

  2. Jen Williams says:

    You look amazing Shey! I can’t believe you are this far along already.

  3. You are gorgeous, what a perfect little bump!

  4. janet smeltzer says:

    just a glowing 🙂

  5. Lindsey says:

    I hope I look half as great as you when I’m preggers.

    By the way, it seems like this has gone by so quickly! I can’t believe you’re in the home stretch!

  6. Jaidean says:

    You are so cute!

  7. kelly g says:

    You look GORGEOUS, Shey!!!

  8. Liza says:

    You’re such a pretty pregnant woman!! getting sooo close !

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