Waving hello to my due date! * Maryland Photographer

And more than likely I’ll be waving goodbye to my due date tonight because I am probably not going into labor today…I feel totally normal!

So today is the day – 40 weeks!!!! I am so excited that we’re at this point – and SO ready to meet our little guy! The waiting game is hard but my 29th birthday is tomorrow so hopefully I’ll get a nice present sometime soon.

So whether he’ll be an April or a May baby is yet to be seen – but my bet is on May. Regardless we’ll be meeting our sweet baby so soon, and I’m taking the advice of all my mommy friends and appreciating every.single.minute of sleep I get right now. Eek!! I cant wait!

  1. kelly g says:

    EEK! SO soon! It’s so very exciting. Can’t wait to see pics of your new little addition!

  2. Carrie Nicholes says:

    I keep checking back to see pictures of the new baby! Good luck!!

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