Catching some sun * Maryland Newborn Photographer

We ventured outside for a bit to take Heath on a little walk around our farm and enjoy the sunshine for the minute that it was there over the past few days. I cant believe how cold it is for May! Heath has his second doctor visit tomorrow so we’ll see if he’s up to his birth weight now – by the looks of his new chunky little thighs I’m assuming yes! The nights around here are LOOOOONG and you’ve got to appreciate the humor in the insane amount of diaper changes that must happen before, during and after feedings at 3am. I’m taking the idea of ‘nap when your baby naps’ to a whole new level.

My sweet baby boy:

Maryland Newborn Photographer

  1. Joanne Piotrowski (Aunt Shaleen's friend) says:

    What a beautiful baby, (and picture)!!!!

  2. Kelly Kaufman says:

    He is absolutely adorable! Glad to hear motherhood is going so well. Enjoy this time, it goes so fast!

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