1 month! * Maryland Newborn Photographer

I cant believe it’s been one month since Heath was born!! In some ways it seems like just yesterday, and in others it seems like a lifetime ago. Especially at 3am. Or 5 am. Or whenever Heath decides to wake up in the dead of night. Truthfully he’s been an amazing baby. He has made everything easy on us – from nursing like a champ, to sleeping (most of) the night away, and loving being held…he’s a dream baby for sure. He even let me curl him up for a couple quick photos yesterday on his 1 month birthday (below!)

We had a busy weekend with grandparents visiting and lots of Memorial Day events to partake in…and I cant believe we’re now in June. Tomorrow is Dave’s and my 4 year wedding anniversary. 4 years! Now that is a date I cant believe has gone so quickly. I’ll try to pull a photo of our wedding to post tomorrow to show you all how awesome our wedding was (and to make myself feel better – or, uh…worse? – with my post baby weight.)

This week marks my last few days of maternity leave as June is my busiest month yet since moving to Maryland! I have so many awesome photosessions this month and I cant wait to share them with you all. Cheers to my baby growing and enjoying every day, and to the beginning of a great summer!

Maryland Newborn Photographer

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