My little Heath – 7 weeks old! * Maryland Newborn Photographer

We’re definitely in the swing of things here. I went back to work, started exercising again, and life is starting to regain a sense of normalcy. Heath is doing awesome and is starting to somewhat sleep through the night, is growing like a weed, and has made my heart melt by starting to smile a ton and I even heard an actual laugh today. Not much is better than seeing your baby smile and laugh.

Some random photos from this past week:

The shirt says it all…
Maryland Newborn Photographer

Bust a move.
Maryland Newborn Photographer

Hatching an evil plan…
Maryland Newborn Photographer

  1. mom says:

    shey, looks like Heath’s eyes are going to be blue. He has your eyes. lv the pic’s, can’t wait to get home. lv you

  2. Nicole D. says:

    That shirt! haHA! Total cutie, he is growing so big,so fast!

  3. qgtrBok says:

    medical term for pain in a joint body ph and joint pain

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