Fun with Heath * Maryland Photographer

Life has been busy in our house – with a vacation to Indianapolis and lots of work within the past few weeks, it’s been crazy but fun. This week we took a fun break and met up with fellow photographer friends Susan of Pretty Petal Studio and Kelly of Kel Photo for a picnic at the beach. The kids had a blast and while the intent was for us to take some photographs, sadly mine didnt even make it out of the camera bag. Luckily they took some beautiful images of Heath that I’m excited to share here – first up is Susan’s.

Yes my child is pale. Yes he is a bit plump. Yes he is eating sand.
Maryland Photographer

And here are two from Kelly:
He looks like a dorky old man here, but I love him.
Maryland Photographer

Maryland Baby Photographer

  1. Kim Schmidt says:

    He is so stinkin’ cute! Love the paleness and belly!

  2. Lyssa says:

    I can not wait to get my hands on the little one! Miss you guys!

  3. Erin says:

    Could he be any cuter? I love the hat!

  4. Jerry says:

    I have the same double chin! Must be genetic. God, is he cute!

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