Baby Love * Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Sweet 10 day old Bennett was such a joy to photograph – not only because of how adorable he is, but also because he LOVED to be held and cuddled…and I love newborn hugs! As soon as you’d pick him up and snuggle a bit he’d look so peaceful and happy – love that!! He has amazing hair, perfect tiny fingers and toes, and is already quite a strong little guy! His mama and daddy are totally in love, as is their dog who was fascinated with both Bennett and all his new baby stuff (see the pacifier below). Enjoy these sneak peeks of one amazingly adorable baby below!

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

  1. kim schmidt says:

    Oh my heavens! The dog with the pacifier is the cutest thing ever. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last image!!!

  2. tabitha says:

    those are ADORABLE! I LOVE the puppy with the sucky in his mouth, lol! So cute

  3. Salina J says:

    So sweet! That one with the dog is hysterical. Love that you captured the beauty of the new baby plus some real life.

  4. CJ Wilkes says:

    These are lovely! Nice work ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Shonda says:

    What an angel! Look at all that hair! And the dog with the soother is priceless!!

  6. susie L says:

    Oh my goodness you have captured some perfect memories! That one of the dog with the paci takes the cake for the funniest picture I have seen – great capture! #1 is absolutely gorgeous – love the lighting!

  7. Leanne says:

    What stunning images. I love the shot in the basket and the parents interacting with their new gorgeous addition.

  8. Rachael says:

    GORGEOUS!!! The doggie with the pacifier is hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚ Beautiful pics!

  9. Jaidean says:

    What a doll and love the picture of the dog with the pacifier…so funny!

  10. Rebekah says:

    OH MY! LOL That shot with the dog and passy made me literally LOL! These are all beautiful. That baby is gorgeous!

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