10 months and growing * Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

My little dude is 10 months old now and ALLLLLLL OVER the place. He can climb stairs in a second, is cruising around on furniture, enjoys throwing toys clear across the living room, and chasing after our poor cats. I took him out yesterday in the last few days of winter to do his modeling debut for Punta Bella. Punta Bella makes some of the cutest knit hats and I use them for clients and for my own baby (seen HERE at 7 months!)

These three hats were custom made for Heath’s little noggin and were so adorable with the tiny visor. Such a little man!

Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Baby Photographer

Frederick Baby Photographer

Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick MD Baby Photographer

Frederick MD Baby Photographer

Bethesda Baby Photographer

This little rocking horse used to be my mom’s!

Chevy Chase Newborn Photographer

Bethesda MD Baby Photographer

Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick MD Baby Photographer

Frederick MD Baby Photographer

  1. Laurie says:

    LOVE the lighting in these, makes his blue eyes really shine!!

  2. Maryn says:

    He is adorable!! : ) Hope you are well Shey!

  3. kim schmidt says:

    You starting off by saying he is into everything had me chuckle because he looks like he did whatever you wanted in all of these photos. He’s eyes tell such a story and he is beyond adorable!!

  4. Kristina says:

    He looks so adorable and the hats are so cute! Why am I not surprised that he is the best dressed 10 month year old I’ve ever seen!!

  5. shaleen says:

    He is really looking like a little boy, I love the expressions he has!

  6. Christina Olson says:

    Oh my gosh I cannot wait to see him. You can tell his mama is a photographer – he’s quite the model.

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