Glowing and gorgeous * Washington DC Maternity Photographer

When this family stepped out of the car I knew we’d have an amazing session. The light was gorgeous, the weather perfect, and this family is BEAUTIFUL! Sian is my bellies & babies client who is expecting a little girl in about 2 weeks – can you believe it!? She was running all over the gardens and fields playing with her amazingly adorable son, all the while looking stunning in her super cute outfits. Big brother-to-be Tristan is excited for his little sister to arrive, and was so sweet kissing and hugging his mama (and flashing me some pretty adorable smiles). We ran after bunnies, chased each other through the gardens, and pretty much wore Tristan out. I’ve heard there are some family members in England and France patiently waiting to see these sneak peeks, so enjoy!! I cant wait to meet their baby girl in just a few weeks!

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Family photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

Washington DC Maternity Photographer

  1. immy says:

    This session is so beautiful, beautiful mommy to be. Love the location too, is this a park? Would you mind sharing which park? Would love to take my little on there. Thank you.

  2. admin says:

    This is at Brookside Gardens – love it here!

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