9 months old * Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

I cant believe that sweet miss Baylee is 9 months old already! She’s been one of my baby planners this year and I’ve loved watching her grow from a newborn, to a smiling 3 month old, to an adorable 6 month old, and now to a beautiful 9 month old. We met up on this perfect fall day at a local park to check out the scenery (gorgeous) and the ducks (relentless) and we had a blast wandering around. Baylee is such a precious little girl – she goes between soulful looks to big smiles and couldnt be a happier baby. I love photographing this 9 month age because they can sit, stand (sometimes) and are full of personalities…but not QUITE on the move just yet. Just wait though – I bet by the time we meet back for her 1 year photosession I will be chasing after her!

Enjoy these sneak peeks!!
Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

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