Beautiful newborn! * Washington DC Newborn Photographer

I was so excited to meet miss one week old Nora Jane! Ever since her parent’s maternity session I just knew this newborn would be just as cool as her parents. Sweet baby Nora was such a dream to photograph, and let us play with lots of hats and headbands. I loved her tiny blonde curls and long fingers and toes…and she loved being held and cuddled by her parents. Enjoy these sneak peeks of this beautiful and much anticipated baby girl!

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photographer

Washington DC Newborn Photography

Washington DC Newborn Photography

Washington DC Newborn Photography

Washington DC Newborn Photography

Washington DC Newborn Photography

  1. Cameron says:

    You made me cry!!! Which, granted, doesn’t take much in these post-partum days but still… so well done, I’m THRILLED!!!! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart!

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