Sugar and Spice! * Washington DC Children’s Photographer

I love seeing families year after year – watching the children grow up, learn to walk and then talk…it’s amazing. I first met Callie when she was only a baby, and then saw her grow to a gorgeous 1 year old. This year’s portraits took on a whole other level of fun because she is 2 and ADORABLE! She is talking up a storm (she even described the moss on a bench as a ‘lichen’) – I mean how cool is that?! She ran all over the place laughing and would love when her mom and dad would sing to her (and offer her an occasional jellybean). I was smiling this entire session and I am excited to share these sneak peeks with you all!

Washington DC Family Photography

Maryland Kids Photography

Chevy Chase Md Family Photography

Maryland Family Photography

Maryland Family Photography

Maryland Family Photography

Maryland Family Photography

  1. Pattie Necaise says:

    You are genius. The photos are precious. You capture Callie’s beauty ans spirit. I love them. Thanks!

  2. stacey says:

    shey, you really do my brother’s family justice.
    they are so fun and sweet!
    i love getting one of your pics of their family each year.

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