Heath at 21 months!

Well actually he’ll be 22 months tomorrow – but like most parents out there between the time I took these images of my son and getting around to posting them here on my blog, somehow he’s grown up even more. I cant believe my baby boy is almost 2 – and furthermore I cant believe he’ll be a big brother to a new baby sister in less than a month now. Today’s post marks the beginning of my ‘maternity leave’ – which is bittersweet for me. I love – LOVE – taking photos of my clients, but I realized while I was pregnant with Heath that being 9 months pregnant and crawling around on the ground photographing babies and families just doesnt mix with me. So here I am with one month before I meet our new baby girl, and I have what seems like an endless void until I can get back behind the camera. I am SO looking forward to doing the sessions I have planned for May and June – there are so many fun ones already planned on the books. I also am very much looking forward to focusing on spending these last few weeks with Heath as an only child – a family of 3 – (just realizing recently how EASY it is with just one kid…) and preparing to meet our precious baby girl.

Here are some images I took of Heath last week wearing the most adorable ties from Celeste and Company. They are so cute on him and are perfect for a little one! Man I love this kid!

  1. Lyssa says:

    You prepped him out! Love that little face!!

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