2 months old! * Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Siena is 2 months old already and every day we find more things to love about her. She is SUCH a sweetheart – she rarely cries and loves being cuddled and held. She is a great eater, the best sleeper, and has started dishing out lots of smiles. She is getting more beautiful every day and her eyes are turning from what we thought were brown to a deep sapphire blue. I’m excited to see where they’ll end up! Her hair is coming in thicker and is still dark brown, and she’s growing like crazy!

Big bro Heath is doing awesome too. He’s in three different summer ‘camps’ (an art class, a general movement class, and a soccer class – which is going to be hilarious) and is loving getting outside in the warmer weather. He loves kissing his sister on the head, being an extremely picky eater, and being rocked to sleep by his daddy. He is very sweet as long as you dont want to try to share his toys…which we’re working on. In fact I believe in this photo he is holding a rattle that Siena had just been playing with…typical. Two years old can be a challenge but he makes it worthwhile.

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