5 months! * Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Taking a quick break to post Siena’s 5 month pictures! I am overdue for taking her out to do some legit photos of her but for now I’m just glad I found a white onesie that fits. We’re all trying to enjoy the last few weeks we have of Summer – our favorite activities are playing at the park, going for walks at sunset, swimming in the pool, and throwing balls in our backyard (about half stay in our yard, the other half are lost in bushes). Siena is getting so big and is now rolling over and laughing, and is such a joy to be around. One of my favorite things to do is hold her and rock her for a few extra minutes after her 1am feeding. She is so cuddly and sweet (and quiet) and it reminds me of everything I love about having a baby at home. We love you Siena! Happy 5 month birthday!

A quick look at the last 5 months:

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