Glowing and gorgeous materntiy session * Frederick Maryland Family Photographer

My lovely friend Tosha is expecting a baby boy in only a few weeks, so we met up to photograph her beautiful family of 3 once more before they become 4! Big brother Tillman is very excited to meet his new little brother, and if he’s anything like his big brother – this new baby will be ADORABLE and sweet too. I first met Tosha when we were both pregnant and expecting our baby boys (3 years ago now…crazy!). Tillman and Heath are only a month apart in age so they have been so cute to watch grow up together. I cant wait for their new little man to be here too so Siena has a partner in crime as well. For their family session we met up at a gorgeous field and then headed over so Tillman could practice a bit of his short game. I think we all were surprised at how accurate and good he actually is for being 2! We ended up just finishing up before a big storm rolled through so the light was just magical. I cant wait for their little baby boy to arrive so I can photograph the new (larger) family and meet this sweet baby! Enjoy these sneak peeks of this beautiful family!

  1. Karen Kovacs says:

    Tosha, Brad and Tillman: What beautiful pictures of ALL of you. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your second son. I am sure Ann and John will let me know when he arrives. Love and many blessings to all of you.

  2. Karen Kovacs says:

    Tosha, Brad and Tillman: What beautiful pictures of ALL of you. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your second son. I am sure Ann and John will let me know when he arrives. Love and many blessings to all of you.

    Love, Karen Kovacs

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