1 year old! * Washington DC Baby Photographer

Sweet baby Matteo turned 1 year recently – and to celebrate we met up for a beautiful fall session to document his sweet little self. I first met Matteo as a itty bitty newborn baby, and I cant believe it was already a year ago. Next we met back up for his 3 month, 6 month and 9 month sessions – and each time he was as sweet as can be and growing like crazy. My favorite thing after looking back through these is watching his hair grow – especially now because it has grown from this cute little baby chick fuzz to these gorgeous soft brown locks. Matteo is such a good little baby, loves looking at leaves and trees, likes to say “oooooh” at pretty much anything interesting, and is walking all over the place! I love watching these babies grow over their first year – enjoy these sneak peeks from this sweetie’s 1 year session!

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