Welcome home soldier! * Washington DC Photographer

This session was certainly one of my most heartwarming I’ve ever done. While I usually photograph families in their day to day lives, this lovely family had a special day they needed documenting – as daddy is also a soldier deployed overseas, and was coming home after a long time away. We got the news with only a few days to prepare, and every second we spent in the airport waiting for him to come out of those airport gates felt electrically charged with anticipation and excitement. Each child showed their excitement in their own ways, and it was so emotional to see their little faces eagerly waiting to see their daddy again. The most touching moment for me though was when he saw his beautiful wife again, and grabbed her in the biggest warmest hug you can imagine. Their love was so evident and true – and I am so happy this family has eachother together again. Thank you Dan and Betty (and the kids!) for your service and sacrifice. We are all so appreciative and forever in your debt!

Washington DC Family Photographer

Washington DC Family Photographe

Washington DC Family Photographe

Washington DC Family Photographe

Washington DC Family Photographe

  1. Betty says:

    The images are AMAZING and I am so grateful you were able to be there on such short notice! I love that now we’ll have these photos to remember exactly what Dan’s homecoming felt like, and also that the kids will have these to keep forever too!

  2. shannon frownfelter says:

    Love this! you really captured the love and excitement in this family:)

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