1 year old fall photosession! * Washington DC Children’s Photographer

I cant believe it’s been a whole year since I first photographed baby H at his newborn session! 1 year later he is just as beautiful, but he’s grown into such a charming and happy little boy – full of bright smiles and warm laughs. His mama and daddy are so cute with him – playful and loving and so so sweet. We met up on the most gorgeous fall morning to catch that special sunlight and the leaves just beginning to change. Sweet baby H is such a big boy now and did awesome at his session – so full of happiness and joy. Enjoy these sneak peeks of this beautiful family!

Washington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's PhotographerWashington DC Children's Photographer

  1. Chris Abbott says:

    Wow, Shey – the bokeh on some of these shots is ridic-a-lus…
    Love what you’re doing!!!

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