My website is live!! [maryland photographer]

Shey Marin Photography has an official site! As I continue to work on my porfolio I created a website to help streamline the whole process. I’m in the very beginning stages of it all and am trying to keep one foot in front of the other as I head down this path. This is so exciting for me – and I’m blessed to have such great support from everyone.

So feel free to check out my new site!

Shey Marin Photography

and here’s a little preview:


  1. Zela says:

    YAY! i’m so proud of you shey! it looks awesome!

  2. Stephanie says:


  3. Gummy Mommy says:

    Goodness!! Shey.. CONGRATS!!! I’m very excited for you.. You’re so talented.. Yipeeee!! You go girl!! wishing you lots of success..
    I can say.. “.. and I knew her before she was all famous!!”

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