Weekend with friends – Happy Birthday Dave!

We had a bunch of great friends and family come into town this weekend to celebrate Dave’s birthday, go out for Halloween and an annual bar crawl and go to the Colts/Pats game. Today we’ve hung low around the house with our friends watching football and enjoying the gorgeous fall weather…so I decided to make the boys some treats. I figured it was the perfect time to try out a recipe that I’d had my eye on for a while. Easy to prepare, ridiculously unhealthy, and guy tested/approved.

Apple Dumplings by The Pioneer Woman:

Apple Dumpling

Then I had 1 pie shell, 1 egg, no room temp butter and limited motivation to go to a store, so I only had a few baking options. I decided to go with a basic apple pie with a crumble top instead of a regular pie shell/lattice top. Turned out pretty tasty!

Apple Crumble Pie:

Apple Crumble Pie

Happy 29th Birthday Dave!! I love you!

  1. Maya says:

    This apple stuff…all of it you keep posting…looks so good!!!

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