5 on Friday

Hey guys! I’m going to start writing a ‘5 on Friday’ post – basically every Friday I’ll post 5 random things that are bouncing around my life at the moment. It’ll be a great way for me to share a part of my life with you and to summarize all the little things I have going on around me. So to start today – here are my 5!

– I am SO excited for Spring to be around the corner…no seriously I know everyone says that…but I wake up every morning and attempt to see if I could classify our temps as ‘lay out weather’. There’s something about getting through a long Indiana winter to walk out your front door and FEEL the sun. It’s amazing and I cant wait for it to continue!!!

– The NCAA tournament is about to start and it brings with it a ton of excitement (love college bball) and hopes that Wake will make it to the end. Go deacs!!!

– This Sunday I’m leaving for Vail for a whole week of skiing!!! Dave and I try to go skiing once a year and this year we are heading to Colorado…I cant wait!!! I love the feel of the mountain sun and the high altitude air. I’ll try to remember to snap some pics while we’re on the mountain!

– I’m currently obsessed with clementines. Most grocery stores have them in stock but I just discovered Costco sells them in HUGE bags for $6.99. I could seriously eat 7 of them a day…and I do.

– I secretly want to purchase the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. I might do it this weekend so I can have it on my ipod while I’m skiing. I also secretly want to become Frieda Pinto.

OK that’s my 5 for this week! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have an awesome weekend!

  1. Lyssa says:

    Love this idea! I like being able to see whats going on with you while we are so far apart ๐Ÿ™

  2. Christy says:

    I love clementines too, and eat at least 2 at a time! I swear they are like candy.

  3. danielle s says:

    mmmmm clementines. they haven’t been on sale here lately, but I ALWAYS snatch them up when they are. they are so yummy and so easy to peel and eat!

  4. Okema says:

    Have fun on your vacation!

  5. Lindsey says:

    I just got a few of the songs from the SM soundtrack and it’s great. That movie was wonderful!

    Have fun in Vail!

  6. Scarlett says:

    Fun, love that you are doing this!!! I will definitely follow:)

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