5 on Friday!

1.  Gotta love short weeks!!!!  With Memorial Day last monday this week has seemed to fly!  Looking forward to a great weekend finally at home – relaxing and enjoying this gorgeous weather!

2. Saturday plans include a BBQ at a local park with friends, and catching up on a lot of work.  I have two photosessions this weekend too so that’s exciting!

3. Have you guys ever seen allrecipes.com?  They have this cool rating system where you can sort by how high the recipe is rated.  I always seem to find some great basic recipes like baked chicken teriyaki and meatballs.  It’s fun to check out when you are needing something quick and easy. 

4. I’ve probably talked about this before on here – but have you seen something called a furminator?  It’s this awesome brush for pets that even my puff ball cats cant stand up to…it’s wonderful!  I furminated (yes I use it as a verb) Mellow last night and I created a new cat just from his extra hair.  Scary and amazing at the same time.  If you’ve used it before you know what I’m talking about!

5. I think I may make my first trip this season to the local farmers market.  I love their local organic produce and flowers…always a fun day.  Occasionally I can get Dave to go with me if I promise him that we can stop by the nearby Shapiro’s Deli…sort of defeats the purpose. 😉


Have a great weekend!!!

  1. Bri says:

    omg I sooo want a furminator!!! LOL I have three cats one of them being a maine coon and she is a giant puff ball too! hmmm I might have to get one of those brushes this weekend! good to know you like it!

  2. Karen says:

    Totally awesome! I LOVE the bw of mom and baby. So sweet, and she looks incredible!

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