Back To Indiana

So we’re all packed up (except for my closet – which I’ve been avoiding like the plague as it’s overwhelming), and we have less than 1 week here in Indy. It’s been a long ride here…and with so many changes, and so much going on…it’s hard to even find time to really think about all that we’re leaving behind.
This was where we lived for so many life events – my first real job, our first apartment together, getting married, grad school, residency, loved ones born and gone…so much happened while we were here and it’s really bittersweet to move on to a new chapter. Mostly sweet as I know we’ve lived such a great life here and I know even more incredible experiences are yet to come. But I will miss my friends here and the first city I chose to call home.

Turn your speakers up and enjoy tons of random snapshots from the past 6 years, and the song “Back To Indiana” by incredible, The Elms –

  1. Kristina says:

    you are the best! you’ve got so much ahead of you and will rock!

  2. zela says:

    that was fab! cheers to many more memories yet to come!

  3. Cat Scott says:

    What fun! And just think of all the adventures you still have to come!

  4. So fun, Good luck to you with your move!

  5. Alyssa says:

    That is so cute – I got teary at the end 🙂

  6. Shaleen says:

    You think the last 6 years went fast, the next 10 will go faster! You have been to amazing places and have truly lived. I look forward to having you a few thousand miles closer!

    FYI-I grew up with MJ so he was a 60-70’s guy who had a great come back as a sole artist in the 70-80’s with a severe career tank in the 90’s. He did redefine music and & videos in the late 80’s but the poor guy gave his childhood to music with the Jackson 5. I remember getting hit on the head with a MJ notebook when I was 11. MJ was 13 at the time. He had so much creativity and so much pain so he is like Princess Di in a lot of ways.

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