Sailing in the Whitsunday Islands

Dave and I just arrived in Noosa last night and are getting used to being back on land. We did a 4 day sailing trip in the Whitsunday islands with Pacific Sunrise and had an amazing time. We met so many cool people from all over the world, saw the most beautiful beach we’ve ever seen (whitehaven beach) and spent time snorkling and sailing…so beautiful!!

It’s finally sinking in to me that we’re on this trip, in Australia, and that we still have 4 weeks left. It’s cool meeting other travellers who are on a similar journey, and really interesting talking politics and culture with the other people we meet. It’s amazing how much you learn about yourself and the world while traveling like this….it’s priceless!

I of course miss everyone back at home and think about you all often – mostly that you’re sleeping while I’m awake. 🙂 Today we’re off for a nature walk along the Noosa National Park and will hopefully spot some koalas in the wild, and then tomorrow we’re heading to the Australia Zoo to check out Steve Irwin’s zoon. Here are some photos straight out of the camera from our last week!

Love you all!

the gorgeous Pacific Sunrise boat that we called home for a few days:

Sunset over the Whitsundays:

Stunning Whitehaven beach, if you look closely the grey specks in the water are stingrays:

Looking down onto Hamilton Island during our stay at the Beach Club.

We hiked to the top of Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays and saw this view:

Windblown and tired but we made it all the way to the top:

  1. sara-anne says:

    That third picture is the most amazing!!! I want to just jump in!! Great pictures that you will treasure a lifetime!

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