Noosa and Australia Zoo

This is our last night in Noosa – tomorrow we head up to Hervey Bay and do a 3 night camping trip on the all sand Fraser Island. Should be a blast – hopefully we’ll see some more Humpback whales and some dingos! ๐Ÿ™‚

These past 2 days were spent wandering around Noosa, walking 6 miles on the National Park trail, and going to the Australia Zoo. Highlights were seeing dolphins in the wild, feeding a kangaroo in the zoo, petting koalas and seeing all the cool animals.

Talk to you guys after we get back from Hervey Bay!!! As always more photos can be viewed on my flickr stream.

  1. denisa says:

    um, every single one of those would be gorgeous on a wall or on a desktop!


  2. Lindsey says:

    I think I have a photo of me and my dad by that same tree overlooking the water in Noosa! That’s such a beautiful little town–I think it was my favorite place in Australia.

    Have fun on Fraser Island!!! Erin and I had a blast there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Gina says:

    Love these pics Shey!! I’ve been following your adventure and all the pics look amazing.

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