Sydney harbour, Opera House and an aquarium.

Yesterday we arrived in Sydney and walked all along the harbour, split a bottle of sparkling wine and enjoyed the sun by the Opera House, then strolled through the botanical gardens. So pretty!! I also am sharing a photo of my trusty pack – it’s been to 4 continents and keeps on kickin’. Somewhere within this pack are a verrrrrry pretty new pair of black heels that I bought in Brisbane….love them. I wish I had packed more socks, and less dresses, a nice long sleeve shirt and less tank tops…but all in all I think we fared pretty well for a 6 week trip. Tonight we’re doing a night Sydney bridge climb and tomorrow we’re going to do a harbour cruise and hopefully score tickets to the sold out opera Aida.

Some pics from yesterday and today:

I look happy but I had just cleaned up a crazy huge mess from an exploding egg yolk from a brekky sandwich on the train. Fun.

ha ha…I look so compact and streamlined compared to dave who got stuck carrying the smaller bookbag, my purse, and said egg yolk mess trash bag.

The pretty Opera House

Inside the Syndey Aquarium

  1. This looks like so much fun and sorry about the exploding egg yolk – you’d never know ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Christina Olson says:

    I really like the backpacker Detterlines – you guys look sexy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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