Celebrating the 12 days of Christmas!! * Maryland Child Photographer

Monday marks 12 days before Christmas, so to celebrate the season I am going to post 1 photo (that has never been shared on the blog) from this past year each day. On Christmas Day I’ll be announcing whether we’re having a boy or a girl (assuming that the ultrasound this Friday goes well) and on the Day after Christmas stay tuned for an AWESOME giveaway!

So check back daily for 12 days of cool photos of my beautiful clients from this year, and ending with an awesome HUGE present for one lucky winner!

To show a bit of what has been going on here – holiday cookies are being baked, football is on in the background, a fire is keeping us warm on this drizzly day, and my poor cat somehow managed to wax her eyebrow from the sap on our Christmas tree. No seriously – she did…check out the evidence below.

Maryland Photographer

And here are some of the cookies we’ve baked (and actually remembered to snap some photos!)

Peanut Butter Blossoms
Maryland Newborn Photographer

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Maryland Children Photographer

Chewy Chocolate Chip and Walnut Cookies (I added a cup of chopped walnuts to this recipe)
Maryland Baby Photographer

The whole show (minus my un-iced sugar cookies and chocolate peppermint cookies which Dave ate before I could photograph them…)
Maryland Family Photographer

  1. Stephanie says:

    Who is going to eat all those cookies?? If you need help, you know my number

  2. danielle s says:

    mmmm, those peanut butter blossoms look amazing 🙂

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