A walk in the woods * Baltimore Maryland Family Photographer

I really love my job. Now there are days where I love my job, and then there are days like this session where I get to see my client’s growing up in front of my eyes, and it brings it all together for me. I first met this awesome family when baby Tyler was only 3 months old. Then I got to see them all again (and their cousins!) for a sunflower session which became one of my favorites from all of 2010. Today I met up with them again for Tyler’s 1st birthday and I get a little teary eyed when I think of how quickly this time passes for us moms. Big sister Morgan is stunningly beautiful, and also hilarious – her side comments she kept chiming in during our walk kept me cracking up. There were forces fighing against us today (the park we were photographing at decided that THIS was the day they would pave the parking lot – so we had to hike!) but the sun came out and the weather warmed up enough for us to really enjoy the morning together. Happy Birthday Tyler – and Morgan you are a wonderful big sister!

Taking some of those first steps!
Maryland Child Photographer

Maryland Children's Photographer

Such a beautiful smile!
Maryland Child Photographer

The birthday boy just chilling on the trail
Maryland Children's Photographer

It was great seeing you guys again today!!

  1. Lisa Little says:

    Precious images! Lovely light in all of these!

  2. CJ Wilkes says:

    These are darling. Children in the woods make for fantastic images 🙂

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