1 year old! * Frederick Maryland Baby Photographer

Sweet baby Cayden is on his way to being such a big boy, as he recently celebrated his 1st birthday! He has the sweetest smile and laugh, big brown loving eyes that make everyone smile, and the happiest personality. He’s grown so much since being just a cute baby ‘bump’, to a beautiful newborn baby, and then to an adorable 6 month old – and now I cant believe he’s already 1! He loves his mama and daddy (and grandmas – so fun that they were there too!) and he loved being towed along downtown Frederick in his new red flyer wagon. My favorite moments of his session were playing peek-a-boo behind his hat, and seeing him so happy to be with his adorable family. Enjoy these sneak peeks of this beautiful boy!

  1. Susan Harding ( grandmother) says:

    Cayden’s pictures are WONDERFUL!!!!! You are a Fantastic Photogtrapher!! I can not wait to see the rest.

    Susan Harding
    aka/ Mimi to Cayden 🙂

  2. Lauren (Cayden's proud mom!) says:

    Shey, you have once again stunned us with your breathtaking pictures of Cayden. I am so proud of our little guy. We will always cherish these amazing memories you have caught for us. Thank you!!!!

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