Urbana senior Frederick Maryland high school photographer

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

This amazing Urbana high school senior was such a joy to photograph in the end of Autumn! The gorgeous young lady here is in her senior year here at Urbana High School in Frederick, Maryland and is so excited to be in her senior year. She is amazingly photogenic, super sweet and fun, wicked smart. She also happens to be twin sisters with another beautiful high school senior I photographed earlier this Summer! This young lady is such a beautiful girl inside and out! We wandered around the beautiful grounds of the downtown Frederick area I love to photograph in, and enjoyed the tail end of fall together. The sunset was epic and brought out all the colors of the doors and alleyways. I loved the end of fall touches in the trees and foliage everywhere. This Urbana senior has such a bright future ahead of her! I loved photographing this amazing high school senior and wish her the best of luck as she continues in her senior year!! Enjoy these sneak peeks!!

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

high school senior photographer frederick maryland

Contact me to book your session!

Modern lifestyle portraiture.
Shey Detterline specializes in newborn, family, maternity and senior photography in the Frederick, MD and Washington DC area.

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