Fraser Island = amazing

So dave and I arrived in Brisbane today…swiftly checked into our hotel and then went off on excursions around downtown to see if we could spot all my old haunts. We had a vanilla slice (MMMMMMM – just as yummy as in my dreams) at the Coffee Club, and then headed down to have a local brew at Pig & Whistle. No clue what we’ll do for dinner yet – but we’re thinking of heading into Fortitude Valley. The next few days we’ll be bumming around Brisbane, then we’re off to Byron Bay! We realized today that we only have 2 weeks of our trip left – so surreal! I am really sad about that – but happy too that it means I’m a bit closer to seeing friends and family back home. It is what it is I guess – just amazing that time travels so quickly.

The past few days we were in BEAUTIFUL Fraser Island….had an amaaaaazing time on the 3 day Fraser tour with Fraser Island Company. Rossco was the best guide and we had a ball with our two new English friends Matt and Zoe. We had a blast – and saw such amazing things. Even though I’d been to Fraser Island before this trip was so incredible and I felt like I was seeing everything again for the first time. And this time I got to see a dingo (actually several!) So awesome!!!

Thinking of all you brissy girls here!!! It’s still the same fun town – but looks sort of busier and more international now that I actually am looking around and not just trying to get from point a to b. I’ll have a brew at Down Under bar for you tonight!!!

as always more pics can be seen on my flickr stream!

champagne pools

red and orange sand of rainbow gorge

hiking a sand blough

cool shipwreck on the beach

jumping off a huge sand dune – so fun!

  1. Stephanie says:

    Good “long jump” form Shey! πŸ™‚

  2. Morgan says:

    This is beautiful! The champagne pools are my favorite

  3. Susan Berman says:

    So amazing Shey! I want to see more (well, I’d really like to BE there with you, but since I can’t, I’ll just look at your awesome pictures!!!). Miss you much – keep having a wonderful time and come home safe!

  4. Helen M says:

    Your travels are amazing! I am sure you are enjoying your time away!

  5. Kristina says:

    I miss you!!!!!!!!! So glad to see an update!

  6. AWESOME pictures, we are all so jealous of you!! Thanks for the fun update!

  7. Matt n Zoe says:

    Hey Shey n Dave your pictures are amazing hope you having a great time in Brissy? Have u got any from the forest would love to see them too take care

  8. Kerri Mathis says:

    So great to see an update! We miss you!!

  9. Such fun, these are great. I am totally jealous!

  10. It looks like you all are having a fabulous time!! I wish I was there with you guys too!!

  11. Rebecca says:

    GORGEOUS! I want to see sand like that some day. πŸ™‚ So glad you’re enjoying! We’re missing you. πŸ™‚

  12. Oh door goodness this is gorgeous. I’m so jealous sitting here staring at the wall working (:

  13. Jen says:

    How fun! Beautiful shots. Looks like an awesome time.

  14. Christina says:

    This photo is rad Shey!!

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